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Getting Started with Micro-dosing Cannabis

Whether you’re curious or a novice user, it’s always wise to start low and slow when embarking on a cannabis journey. Simply stated, use products low in the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),  then wait at least two hours to see how your body responds.  This method is known as micro-dosing. It’s a technique that helps

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Cannabis Options for Pre-, Peri-, or Post-Menopausal Symptom Relief

Since the dawn of time, pre-, peri- and post-menopausal women have had to endure a spectrum of hormonal shifts ranging from the irritating to the debilitating. Often these changes bring bouts of pain, anxiety, sleeplessness, mood swings and more. To quell their symptoms, women traditionally have relied on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), sleep aids and

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Cannabis and the Common Cold: Helpful or Hurtful?

We’ve all been there. One moment you’re feeling great, the next moment your energy’s zapped, you can’t breathe, your head’s pounding and your throat feels like sandpaper. Welcome to the cold and flu season. While plenty of rest and lots of fluids are a prescription as old as time, some people believe there’s a new

Cannabis and the Common Cold: Helpful or Hurtful? Read More »

2018 Guide to Choosing a Vaporizer

Perhaps you’ve made a resolution to get healthier or quit smoking this year. We’re not knocking smoking! It’s great too. But every cannabis user should try vaporizing at some point to see if it’s right for them. There are plenty of reasons to choose a vaporizer over smoking: Vaporizing is healthier since fewer carcinogenic compounds are released compared to combustion

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Vape Pens – Seven Ways They Take You to Seventh Heaven

1. Health The #1 reason to try anything new is because it’s healthier. While using a traditional vaporizer is still technically the healthiest way to inhale medical cannabis, vape pens are a very close second. The reason is simple: No fire. Remember, fire bad. Grrrr! “Anytime you set something on fire and inhale smoke, you

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Rosin: The clean, quick, and easy way to make concentrate

You may have heard of the latest trend in cannabis concentrates called Rosin. Rosin utilizes the process of heat pressing cannabis flower, hash, or even kief and collecting the essential oil that is forced out of the original product. What you’re left with is a pure cannabis oil, with all its original terpenes, that will

Rosin: The clean, quick, and easy way to make concentrate Read More »

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