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Last Prisoner Project

The Last Prisoner Project is an organization founded in 2019 with the core belief that no one should remain incarcerated for cannabis offenses. The project gathered a team comprised of justice-impacted individuals, policy and education experts, and leaders in criminal justice and drug policy reform. Their collective aim is to put an end to what they see as the fundamental injustice of America’s policy of cannabis prohibition.
Their dedicated team labors without pause to achieve the ambitious goal of liberating the tens of thousands of individuals still unjustly imprisoned for cannabis. In a world where cannabis-related activities are no longer considered criminal offenses in many jurisdictions, this organization fights to correct what they view as an egregious wrong. The situation is particularly stark when contrasted with the burgeoning legal cannabis industry, where thousands are building intergenerational wealth through the same activities that have led others to be incarcerated.
The Last Prisoner Project’s mission is singular and unambiguous: to set free those who remain imprisoned for cannabis-related offenses. This includes not only those in the United States but also countless others languishing in jails and prisons around the world. With a clear vision and relentless determination, they vow not to rest or stop until the last cannabis prisoner is set free.
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