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Yes On Measures A & B — Ventura County

Yes On Measures A & B — Ventura County

Sespe Creek is endorsing YES on Measures A and B along with every environmentally sensitive group in the region. Big oil has made this issue the most funded ballot measure in Ventura County history, putting $10 million into a campaign designed to frighten and mislead consumers — all to avoid complying with current environmental reviews when seeking to drill new oil wells.

There is absolutely no evidence that a yes on Measure A vote will impact either prices at the pump, our reliance on foreign oil, civil service levels or local jobs. Big oil simply wants to make people believe those things will be impacted but that’s not the case and they won’t share any data to support their claims.

The League of Women Voters has a very thorough and non-partisan analysis of both sides and they have also endorsed a yes vote on this issue.

Our endorsement of Measure A and B aligns with our motto “Our Grass is Greener” and mission to promote sustainability. Join us in our efforts to conserve our local environment and the health of our citizens.

1 thought on “Yes On Measures A & B — Ventura County”

  1. To: OurGrass is Greener
    First , we don’t have water, so our grass is brown.
    Our working Californians drive to work, as California does not have adequate alternate transportation. Working class cannot afford to live in cities. Instead they have very long commutes on packed freeways.
    All Californians need to support ways to lower higher daily gas prices along with inflation. NO ON MEASURE AB

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