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Recommendations from HelloMD

Recommendations from HelloMD

For many busy patients, getting a renewal of your doctor’s recommendation for medical cannabis can be a hassle. For some housebound or seriously ill patients, it can be difficult or impossible. While we continue to refer patients that want a more hands-on approach to a few local doctors we know and trust, the service offering from our friends at HelloMD is a great option for patients looking for convenience and affordability. At $49 (or $39 if you use Sespe’s direct link from our website to sign in), the service is a great value.

All you need is a computer with an internet connection and video/voice connection or a smartphone. The live video service works with PC, MAC, Android and iOS.

During doctor’s hours, the HelloMD system is ‘real-time’ which means there is no need to schedule ahead. Simply log into HelloMD, and click ‘Join Meeting’ to be connected to your doctor. Your patient file and medical records will be automatically routed to the doctor you are connected with. Only you and the doctor will have access to your private medical information.

Find out more about HelloMD or signup for a recommendation here. To get the $10 discount mentioned above, you need to click on this link (or the banner below) to access the HelloMD site.


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