Fed up with the bans on cannabis delivery in your city? Frustrated with the excessive, hard-to-open packaging on your favorite products? NOW is the time to speak out and voice your opinion to the state’s regulators. If you support these changes (as we do) it is vital to get your opinion on record, as we can be sure that there will be some opposition.
The latest version of California’s Cannabis regulations have been released for public comment until August 27. Three of the biggest changes this latest version seems to be tackling are:
- Only requiring the child-resistant exit packaging instead of individual product child-resistant packaging.
- Allowing authorized delivery employees of licensed marijuana businesses to deliver into ANY California jurisdiction.
- Increasing the THC limit on edibles that can be dissolved in the mouth (sublinguals) to 500mg per package for medical consumers only.
The VC Star has an article with the highlights, and the actual written regulations can be found here, here, and here. If you wish to make your voice heard in person, the schedule for the 10 upcoming hearing dates can be found here.
The current regulations prohibit us from giving away any free product, which has required us to discontinue our compassionate care program. This affects our most vulnerable patients and it is a regulation we would love to see changed.
Any interested person, or his or her authorized representative, may submit written comments relevant to the proposed regulatory action to the Bureau. Written comments, including those sent by mail or e-mail to the addresses listed below, must be received by the Bureau at its office not later than 5:00 p.m. on August 27, 2018 or must be received by the Bureau at a hearing.
Submit comments to:
Lori Ajax, Chief
Bureau of Cannabis Control
2920 Kilgore Road
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
E-mail: [email protected]