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No Till Kings

No Till Kings officially began in 2017, rooted in a long-held dream to create a standout cannabis brand. Founded by two friends brought together by their passion for skateboarding, the company remains tightly-knit with just eight employees and the original two owners at the helm. Their mission is clear: to offer superior cannabis products by leveraging their deep understanding of soil biology and microbiology.

What sets No Till Kings apart is their commitment to No Till Living Soil, a sophisticated and precise method requiring extensive knowledge and meticulous care. Through rigorous soil testing and collaboration with third-party labs, they fine-tune their soil’s needs to achieve optimal growing conditions. Remarkably, they’ve used the same body of soil since their inception, continuously improving its quality. Their focus on small-batch genetics grown exclusively in living soil demonstrates their dedication to quality over quantity, making them a unique and respected player in the cannabis industry.

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