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Free delivery on orders $75+            Prices already include tax


Becoming the global leader in a specific category is a monumental task, and the challenge is even greater when the category itself is novel. Boveda managed to overcome these hurdles and has been pioneering in their field since 1997. The path to leadership was fraught with difficulties, but the company’s steadfast determination guided them to success.
Adopting the motto “Never, ever, ever give up,” Boveda made perseverance one of their core values. This commitment can be seen in their operations today, where they ship out millions of two-way humidity control packets every year. These humble brown packets play a crucial role in various applications, from preserving fine cigars and regulating the environment for musical instruments, to maintaining the quality of cannabis.
Though it might seem like a lot to expect from a simple product, Boveda’s dedication over more than two decades has been centered on protecting the passions of their customers. The results speak for themselves, as they continue to lead and innovate in their unique market niche.
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