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Alpenglow Farms

Alpenglow Farms stands as a beacon of sustainable and regenerative farming in the heart of Humboldt County. Embraced by the tranquility of its elevated position, this small family-operated farm champions the principles of Polyculture-Agroforestry, crafting a harmonious relationship with nature. Craig, a key figure behind Alpenglow, frequently shares the story of the farm’s commitment to closed-loop systems and hugelkultur—a testament to their dedication to nurturing the land that yields their exceptional cannabis. This approach not only reflects their respect for the environment but also ensures the production of high-quality, sustainably farmed cannabis, making Alpenglow Farms a cherished name among connoisseurs.

The essence of Alpenglow Farms is captured in their meticulously cultivated craft cannabis, which stands as a symbol of their passion and unwavering commitment to regenerative farming practices. The farm’s unique location, perched on a sun-kissed ridge above the valley fog, provides an ideal environment for cultivating distinct cannabis genetics that thrive in this special terroir. Years of dedicated farming have fostered an authentic and symbiotic relationship between the cultivars and the earth, resulting in cannabis that not only delivers unparalleled quality but also embodies the spirit of the land it comes from. Alpenglow Farms continues to inspire with its dedication to environmental stewardship and its ability to produce some of the finest cannabis in Humboldt County, capturing the essence of what it means to grow with intention and respect for nature.

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