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Jeff Sessions Has Rescinded the Cole Memo. What Now?

Jeff Sessions Has Rescinded the Cole Memo. What Now?

As many or most of you may have heard by now, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recently rescinded the Cole Memo that essentially allowed states to move forward with legal cannabis programs with little to no fear of Federal interference, even though cannabis remains Federally illegal. We remain optimistic and feel confident in the strength of the industry and progress so far in California to bolster our collective resistance against this blatant disregard of states rights and the will of the voters. There are many ways to get involved if you are so moved. For instance, our friends at Green Flower Media have launched a #DearJeffSessions campaign…

If you haven’t heard the news, Jeff Sessions has just rescinded the Obama-era guidelines, which have been protecting state cannabis laws and programs from the DEA and Justice Department.

Jeff Sessions’ harsh stance against cannabis is well known and quite unpopular.

Now many cannabis advocates are hitting the ALERT BUTTON in social media land.

But wait.

We can actually do something about all this!


P.S. Meanwhile, yet another state, Vermont, legalizes adult use cannabis…

This article and several other related stories from Leafly are a great resource for you to learn more about this important challenge to our right to wellness.

1 thought on “Jeff Sessions Has Rescinded the Cole Memo. What Now?”

  1. I feel this is being used as a bargaining chip in the DACA, Sanctuary Cities and Immigration battles now being negotiated by Congress and the President. I would gladly give up on protecting illegals for Medical Marijuana being legal and better yet add recreational pot as being Ok for this compromise;)

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