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Get Involved! Support SB-1302 and AB-2215

Get Involved! Support SB-1302 and AB-2215

We’d like to express serious gratitude to Senator Ricardo Lara, who introduced SB-1302 this past Friday in the California Senate.

“This bill would prohibit a local jurisdiction from preventing delivery of cannabis or cannabis products on public roads, or to an address that is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of that local jurisdiction, by a licensee who is acting in compliance with MAUCRSA and who is acting in compliance with any license, permit, or other authorization obtained from another local jurisdiction.

The bill would include findings that the changes proposed by this bill address a matter of statewide concern, rather than a municipal affair and, therefore, apply to all cities, including charter cities.”

If this bill passes, cities like Fillmore, Santa Paula, Camarillo, Thousand Oaks, Oxnard and Ventura would no longer be able to prohibit licensed dispensaries like Sespe from delivering to you in your private residence. Locally, even Port Hueneme was only planning to permit deliveries from dispensaries located within Port Hueneme. Passing this bill would mark a turning point for safe access in Ventura County.

We would also like to familiarize our patients with AB-2215, which was introduced by Assembly Member Kalra last week.

“This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to require the Veterinary Medical Board to establish guidelines for licensed veterinarians to discuss the use of cannabis on animal patient clients and to protect state-licensed veterinarians from disciplinary action for discussing the use of cannabis on animal patient clients.”

If this bill passes, state-licensed veterinarians will be fully protected from any form of disciplinary action when discussing the use of medicinal cannabis to treat animal patients. The Veterinary Medical Board will be required to create guidelines which enable veterinarians to lawfully discuss cannabis as a viable and valuable alternative treatment, without fear of consequence.

It’s never too early or too late to call your own Senator and Assembly member and urge them to support this or any similar legislation that preserves a patient’s right to safe access. Click to find your local legislators.

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